Happy Halloween!

The back story on this week’s story time very simple.  When writing the book series, I had a group of 56 dedicated readers to proof the stories.  I had an equal amount of men and women reviewing the books.

In the stories that involved the characters of me and my wife, I discovered that the character of “me” had to lose much more often than win.  At first, I had the husband winning one argument then losing the next three…it seems I had the math wrong!

According to the women readers…the ratio was more like – win one…lose the next twenty-seven…

So this story is one of those twenty-seven.  It also had a Halloween theme which works out nicely for this week.

I hope you enjoy the story.

Please leave your comments below.  I read and answer every comment and it means the world to me that you took the time to send me a message.




I was watching a cartoon about zombies with my wife and son.


My Son: “Mommy are zombies real?”

Wife: “No Honey, zombies aren’t real…they are made up.”

My Son: “Oh…Mommy if zombies were real and they were chasing you and me and Daddy…who do you think would get eaten first?”

Wife: “Probably you or me.”

My Son: “Really?  Why not Daddy first?”

Wife: “Oh…that’s because they wouldn’t chase Daddy.”

My Son: “Why not?”

Wife: “Well…think about what Zombies eat.  If they went after Daddy…they would starve…Hahaha!!!

Karen says:

Mom is mean. Poor Daddy has brains even if he chooses not to use them.

John Adams says:

Yeah!! Thank you Karen. Someone on my side! Wait a sec….

Dean says:

Thanks for the laugh. That was great though kinda mean like Karen said though she also was a little mean also 🙂 John its not like us men don’t have brains and not that we don’t use them, its that our brains are wired differently and zombies don’t like the “taste”. Its like my hate for liver. Yuk! Hahaha.

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